Source code for richcat

from . import richcat as rc
from .richcat import richcat as exec_richcat
from .modules.consts._const import DIC_DEFAULT_VALUES
from .__information__ import __copyright__, __version__, __license__, __author__, __author_email__, __url__

__copyright__ = __copyright__
__version__ = __version__
__license__ = __license__
__author__ = __author__
__author_email__ = __author_email__
__url__ = __url__
rc = rc

[docs]def richcat(filepath=None, file_contents=None, **args): """ The richcat function called from Python script Parameters ---------- filepath : str filepath **args : args filetype : str width : int or float color_system : str style : str Returns None ------- """ if ((filepath is None) and (file_contents is None)): file_contents = 'Please input `filepath` or `file_contents`.' args['filetype'] = 'md' if filepath is not None: file_contents = None class Args(): def __init__(self): self.filepath = filepath self.file_contents = file_contents if file_contents is not None: self.filetype = args['filetype'] if 'filetype' in args.keys() else 'text' else: self.filetype = args['filetype'] if 'filetype' in args.keys() else DIC_DEFAULT_VALUES['filetype'] self.width = args['width'] if 'width' in args.keys() else DIC_DEFAULT_VALUES['width'] self.color_system = args['color_system'] if 'color_system' in args.keys() else DIC_DEFAULT_VALUES['color_system'] = args['style'] if 'style' in args.keys() else '' = args['help'] if 'help' in args.keys() else False args = Args() exec_richcat(args)